Lua-API++  2015-02-12-3
Lua-API++ library
Class Hierarchy
This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 12]
 CClosureInfoClosure properties. [Lua 5.2+ only]
 CContextAccess point to Lua context
 CNilType of nil value
 CContext::RegistryType of registry accessor
 CRegistryKeyKey for registry-stored values
 CRetvalReturn value for Lua functions
 CStateLua state object
 CTableTable object with specialized interface. Similar to Value, it owns a stack slot
 CTemporaryTemporary Lua value
 CTypeID< T >Determine Lua type ID from native type
 CValobjLua-compatible value
 CValrefNon-owning reference to Lua value
 CValueOwner of a single stack slot
 CValsetValset is an STL-compatible container for contiguous Lua stack slots. Its primary use is accepting multiple return values