Lua-API++  2015-02-12-3
Lua-API++ library
Valset Class Referencefinal

Valset is an STL-compatible container for contiguous Lua stack slots. Its primary use is accepting multiple return values. More...

Inherits noNew.

Public Types

typedef Valref value_type
 The Valref objects are not actually stored, but rather created dynamically.
typedef size_t size_type
 Index type.
typedef ptrdiff_t difference_type
 Index difference.
typedef valset_iterator iterator
 Normal iterator.
typedef valset_const_iterator const_iterator
 Const iterator.
typedef std::reverse_iterator< iteratorreverse_iterator
 Reverse iterator.
typedef std::reverse_iterator< const_iteratorconst_reverse_iterator
 Reverse const iterator.
typedef value_type reference
 Reference to a value is still a Valref.
typedef const value_type const_reference
 Const reference doesn't strictly enforce immutability.

Public Member Functions

Life cycle
 Valset (Temporary src)
 Construct from an expression. More...
 Valset (const Valref &src)
 Copy a value into set (works with Value and Table too).
 Valset (Valset &&)
 Valset can be returned from functions but not actually moved.
 Valset (Context &s) noexcept
 Create an empty Valset. More...
 Valset (const Valset &src) noexcept
 Create copies of values stored in src.
 ~Valset () noexcept
 Owned stack slots are freed on destruction.
Element access
reference at (size_t index)
 Checked indexation. More...
const_reference at (size_t index) const
 Checked indexation. More...
const_reference operator[] (size_t index) const noexcept
 Unchecked indexation.
reference operator[] (size_t index) noexcept
 Unchecked indexation.
iterator begin () noexcept
const_iterator begin () const noexcept
const_iterator cbegin () const noexcept
iterator end () noexcept
const_iterator end () const noexcept
const_iterator cend () const noexcept
reverse_iterator rbegin () noexcept
const_reverse_iterator rbegin () const noexcept
const_reverse_iterator crbegin () const noexcept
reverse_iterator rend () noexcept
const_reverse_iterator rend () const noexcept
const_reverse_iterator crend () const noexcept
size_t size () const noexcept
 Amount of stored values.
bool empty () const noexcept
 Check if the container is empty.
template<typename... Types>
void push_back (Types &&...values)
 Add values to the end. More...
void pop_back (size_t amount=1)
 Remove a value from the end. More...
Status query
bool success () const noexcept
 Protected call status. More...
bool isBlocked () const noexcept
 Blocked status. More...

Detailed Description

Valset is an STL-compatible container for contiguous Lua stack slots. Its primary use is accepting multiple return values.

This object owns arbitrary number of neighbouring stack slots. It is STL compatible, so it's possible to use standard algorithms with it (also things like back_inserter, range-based for and so on). The values are accessed by indexation with integer indices or through iterators which dereference to Valref.
This class is designed for following uses:

  • accept multiple return values from function calls;
  • hold function arguments (see Context::args);
  • be a temporary storage for processing a number of values;
  • collect values to be returned from the function when their number is big or variable.

If no values are placed on the stack after the Valset, it is unblocked, which means that new value can be added to its end with push_back, or the last value be removed with pop_back function. Otherwise the Valset is in "blocked" state and cannot be grown or shrunk.
On object's destruction all owned slots are freed (unless it is used to return values from the function).
When put inside value sequence (like function arguments or array content), Valset automatically expands into contained values. But Valset cannot be used in a place that requires single value (like index).

Contrary to general Lua standards, Valset indexation is 0-based.
Valset's iterators conform to RandomAccessIterator concept.
Valset does not actually store anything, it only remembers the lower and upper indices of owned stack slots.
Lua has no concept of immutability, so even constant Valset could be used to change the referenced or nested values.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

Valset ( Temporary  src)

Construct from an expression.

The created Valset will have 1 element inside.
If the expression was a function call that returned multiple values, the Valset will contain all returned values.
If the expression was a protected function call which ended succesfully, the Valset will contain all returned values.
Unsuccesfull protected call will put into Valset error description and the success status will be "false".

Valset ( Context s)

Create an empty Valset.

Empty Valset does not occupy space on the stack, but it still blocks other Valsets.

Member Function Documentation

reference at ( size_t  index)

Checked indexation.

const_reference at ( size_t  index) const

Checked indexation.

void push_back ( Types &&...  values)

Add values to the end.

std::runtime_errorif Valset is blocked or if push failed.
void pop_back ( size_t  amount = 1)

Remove a value from the end.

std::runtime_errorif Valset is blocked.
Minimum of size() and "amount" is chosen.
bool success ( ) const

Protected call status.

If success() returns false, the protected call failed and Valset contains error message. If Valset wasn't created from protected call, this function always returns true.

bool isBlocked ( ) const

Blocked status.

Any value that occupies a slot after Valset makes it blocked. Attempt to add or remove an item from blocked Valset creates an exception.